Wednesday 21 April 2010

I spent much of last Wednesday morning with the contractors working on the William IV gatehouse at the north end of the Pavilion. This meant supervising them in and around the Green Centre, where the World Art curators usually work. As I spent quite a while waiting outside the Green Centre for one of the workmen to arrive, I got to properly look at the stonework of the gatehouse for the first time. A lot of it is really intricate and pretty, I had never looked up to the top properly before, even though I must have walked through it hundreds of times!

On Monday morning, Louise gathered a team to volunteers to do a Spring Clean of Preston Manor. I spent the morning carefully cleaning the old radiators and polishing the banisters of the main staircase. It was lovely seeing people from all different departments coming together to give Preston Manor some well needed TLC and being able to see the difference at the end of the morning. It was also nice talking to members of staff and volunteers that I don’t usually see.

This week is my last week in Facilities Management. I’ve really enjoyed my time here. It’s been great seeing so much of all the venues and I’ve learnt a lot.

Next week I start back with the Functions team, working on the fringe festival events taking place in The Old Courtroom. We had a meeting about it on Friday and I’m very excited about it all starting next weekend! I’ll be writing lots more about it when I start working!
